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Η τελευταία μου δουλειά είναι μια συλλογή από ξύλινες μικρές επιγραφές με σχέδια και μυνήματα, δίσκους σερβιρίσματος, διακοσμητικά τόξα και κουτιά, αλλά και έπιπλα που ζωγραφίζονται στο χέρι, και πράγματα χρηστικά, που γίνονται μικρά έργα τέχνης, και δίνουν στο σπίτι μας χαρακτήρα και ζωή.


Η συλλογή αυτή χωρίζεται σε 3 μέρη: το πρώτο μέρος κάνει αναφορές στην αισθητική μιας παλιάς Γαλλικής, Ιταλικής, κι Εγγλέζικης εξοχής: εκείνο το αίσθημα των ξεθωριασμένων κίτρινων, των λερωμένων πράσινων, των μπορτώ και της ώχρας. Των παλιομοδίτικων εμπριμέ, των φθαρμένων ριγέ, των μπωλ με τα φρούτα εποχής, των τραπεζομάντηλων με τα μπλε λουλουδάκια, και όλων όσων ανήκουν στο κόσμο με τις μνήμες μιας ζωής που ξεχάσαμε. Και κοντά σ’αυτά, είναι κι η αισθητική των ρομαντικτών αφίσων του 19ου αιώνα, των διαφήμιστικών πινακίδων των fifties, των posters των τhirties, κλπ κλπ. 

Το δεύτερο μέρος της συλλογής, πιο “σκοτεινό”, πιο πολύπλοκο, είναι παρμένο από τους πίνακες μου, και φέρει σύμβολά από παλιές ξεχασμένες θρησκείες, σχεδιαγράμματα φρενολογίας, αστρολάβους, πυξίδες και ρολόγια, παλιούς χάρτες, και όργανα πλοήγησης παλιών θαλασσοπόρων κλπ κλπ.


Το τρίτο μέρος έχει να κάμει με τη θάλασσα και τα σύμβολα της (γοργόνες, καϊκια, κοχύλια, και όλα τα μπλε των Καλοκαιριών του τόπου μας), ανάκατα με λόγια ποιητών και συγγραφέων που την ύμνησαν.


Είναι λοιπόν τρεις νοσταλγικές συλλογές, μια επιστροφή σε εποχές που τα χέρια έφτιαχναν ομορφιές πολύπλοκες, κι οι καλλιτέχνες θεωρούντουσαν πλάσματα ξεχωριστά, γιατί ήταν μετρημένοι στα δάκτυλα, ακριβώς γιατί η τέχνη τους δεν είχε ευκολίες, κι όσα δημιούργούσαν, δεν αναπαράγονταν, γι αυτό κι αποκτούσαν ζωές δικές τους. Η τεχνολογία χρήσιμη και αναγκαία, μα όχι πρωταγωνιστής: κάθε αυθεντικό σχέδιο δημιουργείται αρχικά στο χέρι, με πινέλα και μπογιές και όλα τα μέσα του παλιού εργάτη της τέχνης, κι έτσι κάθε κομμάτι, κουβαλά μια ζεστασιά νοσταλγική, ενός κόσμου που ξέρει η ψυχή μας. Η συλλογή αυτή στέκεται στην αντίπερα όχθη του digital κόσμου και των φωνακτών χρωμάτων: έχει να κάμει με επιστροφή σε ένα κόσμο ιδεών και πραγμάτων που φτιάχτηκαν από χέρι και συμφιλιώθηκαν με τη ιδέα της φθοράς Σε ένα κόσμο με ξεθωριασμένα χρώματα που παραπέμπουν περισσότερο σε ξεφτισμένο χαρτί τοίχου κι ομορφιές ιδιωτικές, παρά αψεγάδιαστες”.

Wooden Signs
Woooden Arrows

This collection is thematically separated into 3 parts: The first part is inspired by the aesthetics of a by-gone era and is referential to the French, Italian, English country look. That world of tin boxes and faded yellows and dirty greens, and lush reds and old fashioned floral tablecloths and blue and white stripes that belong into a world of hand crafted beauty we have come to forget.


The second part is taken from the aesthetics of many of my paintings (as seen mostly in the Fantasy Art / spirituality category) and it depicts diagrams and symbols of old forgotten religions, phrenology designs, maps and astrolabes, clocks and compasses, and the instruments of the old sailors and cartographers.


The third part is inspired by the Sea and its symbols: mermaids and sailing ships, shells and the blues of the Summers of our childhood memories, all tangled together with of the words of poets who sang its beauty.

Three nostalgic collections, which mark a return to the times when things were made by hand, and required special skills rather than apps, and were therefore precious and made by very few people, and in very few numbers: nothing was being made quickly, no easy way outs were taken, no short cuts, nothing was hurried or mass produced, and therefore the energy of the artist who created them, was palpably felt in each piece.


Even when technology is used here, each design has been originally created by hand, with paints and brushes and inks, and the instruments of the artists of old. And it is for this reason, that the collection reflects a nostalgia, a romanticism, and a reconciliation with the inevitable possibility of change and decay and imperfection which are part of the human consition. No sharp and vivid colours, no straight aggressive lines, no emoticons and cute animals are to be found here. This is a world of vintagey, faded colours and "distressed", aged, wall-papers. A world that is recognizable to our soul.

Fanitsa Petrou Art. wooden drink coaster, wooden signs with messages, phrenology illustration, Affortable Art - Decorative Objects for the Home & Garden​, illustration by Fanitsa Petrou,
Fanitsa Petrou Art. wooden sign, wooden trays, wooden arrows, wooden signs with messages, shabby chic, vintage, hand painted objects, quotes about the sea, Affortable Art - Decorative Objects for the Home & Garden​, illustration by Fanitsa Petrou,
Fanitsa Petrou Art. wooden sign, wooden signs with messages, shell, quotes about the sea, Affortable Art - Decorative Objects for the Home & Garden​, illustration by Fanitsa Petrou,
Serving Trays
Fanitsa Petrou Art. wooden serving trays, lemon illustrations, wooden sign, wooden signs with messages, shell, quotes about the sea, Affortable Art - Decorative Objects for the Home & Garden​, tray with illustration by Fanitsa Petrou,
Drink Coasters
Fanitsa Petrou Art. hand painted boxes, hand apinted hangers, wooden sign, wooden signs with messages, shell, quotes about the sea, Affortable Art - Decorative Objects for the Home & Garden​, illustration by Fanitsa Petrou,
Boxes & Things
Fanitsa Petrou Art. wooden arrow, blessings, hand painted arrow, hand painted wooden sign, wooden sign, wooden signs with messages, Affortable Art - Decorative Objects for the Home & Garden​, illustration by Fanitsa Petrou,
Fanitsa Petrou Art. Blue and white, kitchen decor, white & blue, wooden sign, wooden trays, wooden arrows, wooden signs with messages, shabby chic, vintage, hand painted objects, quotes about the sea, Affortable Art, Decorative Objects for the Home & Garden​, illustration by Fanitsa Petrou,

Home Decor / Affordable Art
- Shabby Chic - 

Wooden Signs, arrows, coasters, boxes, trays with prints of original illustrations & designs which were created by hand by Fanitsa Petrou. 

The perfect gifts with the things you need to say to your loved ones - or yourself...


(Click on the 5 images below to see differrent categories)

Very limited edition: 1 to 6 pieces - in most cases, 1 or 2 pieces - of each design. Each is either  a print or a hand painted piece, in both cases based on an original illustration created from scratch with love and traditional means. 

Fanitsa Petrou Art. phrenology designs, wooden sign, wooden trays, wooden arrows, wooden signs with messages, shabby chic, vintage, hand painted objects, Affortable Art - Decorative Objects for the Home & Garden​, illustration by Fanitsa Petrou,
Fanitsa Petrou Art. compass, globe, sea, phrenology designs, wooden sign, wooden trays, wooden arrows, wooden signs with messages, shabby chic, vintage, nautical, maps, hand painted objects, Affortable Art - Decorative Objects for the Home & Garden​, illustration by Fanitsa Petrou,

Hand Painted Stones

One-of-a-kind hand painted stones, with Angels and messages.

Name significance stones, Zodiac significant stones.

To be used as paperweights and decorative objects on your coffee tables, kitchen, etc.

Ideal as birthdays and name days gifts.

Click on each image to see collections.

Fanitsa Petrou Art, Hand painted stones, hand painted stone of angel, Angel Art, Angel gifts, Fantasy Art, Angel Art, Angel painting, original art, buy art online, Art by fanitsa petrou,
Fanitsa Petrou Art, hand painted Zodiac stones, Gemini hand painted zodiac stone,
Fanitsa Petrou Art, Hand Painted stones, Jane, Hand Painted Name Significance Stones,

Hand Painted

Name Significance Stones

Hand Painted Zodiac Stones

Hand Painted Stones


Art & Words By Fanitsa Petrou

Art and Words © Copyright Fanitsa Petrou. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use - copying, publishing, printing, reselling, etc - will lead to legal implications. Please respect Art and artists who create original work and live by their Art! Do not copy! Copying is dishonest, explotative act, not to mention illegal. 

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